I'm traveling in the northern region where I'm from, although cold in the interior and raining on the coast, I'm in the north and my body is relaxing in a way that it doesn't in the city. We have these geographical places that are medicine for our body, mind and soul.
Often, when working as a psychotherapist, I would ask the client to go back to a place in nature where they felt safe. The heart rate settles, the body relaxes and a calm settles over everything. I drove beside the river to the ocean and felt my whole being one with the beauty. I saw two eagles circling above the river and thought about how the sides of the river would hold many eagles with the return of the oolichan. Beauty, it was all beauty on the drive.
The rhythm of the land where a person spends their childhood holds teachings and an unspoken sense of belonging.
The crane's gaze is for a friend of mine who had a profound experience. She is from the east where the crane is a significant bird.