Full time work has taken most of my energy for the past year and lately humility has brought me through to a new place.
My team hosted a trauma training workshop with Dr. Gabor Maté facilitating two of the three days. There were a number of courageous volunteers who opened the door to their internal workings. I watched Dr. Maté search for the pathway into their centre, where the truth lies, the truth of their sacredness and that nothing is able to destroy or distort the authentic self.
Self inquiry is the way to face the beliefs and thought matrixes that are created by childhood experiences--sometimes memory is a wet heavy cold blanket on the soul. I've come to understand my self-defeating beliefs are formed from adverse childhood experiences, a child making meaning of suffering.
May you find the pathway past the roadblocks, defence mechanisms, habitual behaviours and distortions to find your authentic, sacred self. The sacred self who chooses truth, forgiveness, compassion and patience. Blessings, blessings and blessings.