As a mother of adult children, I have spent time justifying, avoiding, repressing, denying and minimizing the consequences of self-loathing. Not because I intended to rage or shame my children for their immaturity (accidents and mistakes), but because there was something hidden deep inside that I couldn't seem to move. Finally, with the assistance of colleagues, neurofeedback and deep insight I was ushered to the deeper layers in self--those that one unconsciously covers with layers of frozen feelings, rubbish, and broken dreams.I'm amazed as I've chosen to look deeply into the neglect and torture in childhood that there was a Supernatural presence that kept me from sinking into unretrievable alienation, distortion or insanity. Self-loathing has its roots in those unintentional acts of abuse or absence by caregivers in childhood. Relief and gratitude emerge for the mystery of deep healing, love, compassion, and the ability to forgive oneself. May you too find connection with the Supernatural.