: a feeling of indignant displeasure or persistent ill will at something
regarded as wrong, insult or injury
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Resentment is poison. With roots in fear and pain and a direct and quick circuit wired to anger to protect one from suffering, resentment is strengthened and becomes a habitual response to suffering. How does one create a new pathway, a new circuit?
First to see the fear. Light illuminates everything. And in seeing, there is dissolution. With intention set toward freedom, toward loving kindness, one comes to a different place...a detour from the pathway toward resentment.
When searching for the substance, the place within where one drop from the well of loving-kindness can be found--to wait there wait in stillness and confidence that it will increase. It will expand to be the teacher, the guide needed. The place where there are no words, mere fragments of signs and a small opening to the other side.