Illuminate Illusion: 7-9/12

SURRENDER (7/12): 5"x8" Mixed Media on page book paper
REFLECTING (8/13): 5"x8" Mixed Media on page book paper
BIRTH AND DEATH (9/12): 5"x8" Mixed Media on page book paper

After surrendering to the fact that I've created the suffering in my life, that reflection has brought me to the place where I need to die to my wanting, my clinging, my desire and craving for goodness in any one particular relationship, this is the beginning of embarking onto a pathway of the unknown.There is a great sense of freedom as I embark onto the pathway of the unknown.  Lead by guides who will not fail me, guides who were waiting for me to make the choice to die to craving, they smile from eyes that see into my depths and they fully and completely accept me with the strength and power of love. Yes!  This is what I want to want--goodness, the mind that works to follow spiritual goodness and truth.  A redefinition of power.


Illuminate Illusion (10-12)


Illuminate Illusion: 4-6/12