Light through the Oak Tree
Tk'emlups territory is cooling off now after a blazing 35˚C this summer.
The sun is rising at a different place, getting lower in the sky and coming up at a later hour. This morning I was seated in my sister's living room facing east toward the North Thompson River and the sun was coming up over the hilltop line.
The sun's rays cast perfect, clear shadows of the leaves through the living room window for about thirty seconds and then as it continued to rise the clarity of the shadows blurred.
Life is like that. We can see clearly for a brief period of time, perhaps in the early morning hours called "ancestor time" because that is when they come to give us guidance. And then time progresses and the clarity of the impression becomes blurry. But in my mind body is the sensation of seeing the clean, precise shadow of the leaves on the glass window. The beauty that light creates with shadow. May the shadow in our lives be transformed to beauty by the eternal light of the Creator.